7-Eleven launches Good Calls campaign featuring Dylan Alcott to celebrate local community spirit

14 May 2020

Despite the current challenging and uncertain times, we’re seeing the best of people as they lend a hand to others in their community at a time when it’s needed the most. 7-Eleven Australia has launched Good Calls to celebrate those humble heroes who are doing good deeds in the community.

Enlisting the help of Paralympian Dylan Alcott OAM, throughout May and June 7-Eleven is asking Aussies to nominate a local legend, someone who has been doing good in their community and is deserving of a Good Call.

From the thoughtful neighbour supporting those who can’t get out of the house to someone working to support their community by taking their services online for those most vulnerable, 7-Eleven is giving thanks with random acts of kindness that will come in all shapes and sizes.

From free fuel, to packages of 7-Eleven goodies, or supplies that’ll continue to help local heroes carry out their deeds, the rewards are our way of thanking those bringing the spirit of mateship to their local communities.

Dylan Alcott is known to champion his local community, and is helping 7-Eleven Australia spread the message far and wide.

“Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve seen so many everyday Aussies step up and lend a helping hand to people who need it most. Now the selfless, kind acts of these unsung heroes can be recognised with a 7-Eleven Good Call,” said Dylan.

“I was honoured to surprise and delight a few of these local heroes myself, people who have really stepped up and gone out of their way to do a little bit of good in these challenging times.”

To kick off the Good Calls initiative, Dylan surprised two humble heroes good in their community with a 7-Eleven Good Call and rewarded them with $5,000 each to keep their good work going.

For Sammy Swayn’s extraordinary efforts in launching local community group United Neighbours, the funding will allow him to scale outreach and help to more people around the community.

For Margie Cerato who runs a not-for-profit providing exercise classes and joyful experiences for people with special needs and disabilities, the donation was particularly impactful. Margie was facing the need to move as they had been unable to meet their rental payments, so the special thank you of $5,000 will keep Margie going.

Each week during the campaign, 7-Eleven Australia will select deserving Good Call recipients from across the country. To find out more about the initiative and to nominate a mate, please email community@7eleven.com.au.

7-Eleven Australia